Art Lab at the Rokeby Museum
This fall I attended the Art Lab program which was masterminded and run by Ric Kasini Kadour as part of his two year Contemporary Art at the Rokeby program. I joined 11 artists from California, New York, Montreal and the northeast in a four day program designed to foster the integration of history and contemporary art into one’s artistic practice. We learned about accessing archives and special collections as well as the history of Rokeby, which was farmed and homesteaded for four generations by the Robinsons and was a stop on the underground railroad. We then were asked to write a proposal for an exhibition at Rokeby.
The idea of repair showed up for me and the more I thought about it the more it seemed to fit the history of Rokeby and their mission, while also being a contemporary issue that needs addressing. Repair is also something that I have practiced and worked on in many phases of my life both physically and psychologically. As you can maybe guess, my proposal was accepted and will be the show for the 2020 season at the Rokeby Museum. I have spent the last six weeks steeped in work making monotypes, repairing objects, learning how to fix nets,chairs and rugs. There is still much work to complete.
I am excited to announce that on Friday, March 13th, the New York Times will run an article about the Rokeby Museum and my exhibit in their special musem section. This is a career first for me! A link to the article is:
There is also more about my show on the Rokeby Museum website here. I will keep you updated with news as the show comes together. I am also excited about the workshops and talks that are being programmed.
The exhibition will open in mid-May. I will start to blog more regularly about this project and here are a few working photos: